hey, i’m rain 👋🏽

i refer to myself as a
multimedia designer.

currently based out of central coast, ca and seattle, wa.

open to any work / play





Symbiosis Fashion Show
We All Eat iOS
Sustainable Land Initiative


Take Care’ Short Film

Sustainable Land Initiative

The Sustainable Land Initiative (SLI) is a collaborative program between farmers, Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs), and universities that is aimed at hastening the California agricultural industry’s adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change on the environment. One aspect of the program involves removing the various barriers that local farmers face during the CSA practice adoption process, which includes a lack of outreach and education.

To help address this communication challenge, I worked with an environmental science masters student to develop her research on various climate-smart techniques into more readable and accessible policy sheets that will be used to lobby for these practices with California government RCDs.

Cal Poly Natural Resources Management & Environmental Sciences Department

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator


                       water infiltration
                              soil erosion
                           new skills
                              future plans
                          soil structure
                    water holding capacity

Above are some icon designs I drafted for the other primary aspect of my teammate’s work on the Sustainable Land Initiative. My process first began with writing out visual ideas for each concept we intended to emphasize, then sketching out visual ideas for these concepts, and finalizing my design process on Illustrator. I shared my ideas with my teammate who then reinterpreted them in a style more aligned with her infographic designs. Below is a link to the final infographics that were utilized on three different CSA practices with two main objectives: to educate growers on the benefits of the techniques, and encourage growers to implement the techniques on their farms.

CDFA Climate-Smart Incentive PRogram Evaluation