hey, i’m rain 👋🏽

i refer to myself as a
multimedia designer.

currently based out of central coast, ca and seattle, wa.

open to any work / play





Symbiosis Fashion Show
We All Eat iOS
Sustainable Land Initiative


Take Care’ Short Film

Symbiosis Fashion Show SS24

Symbiosis was a student-run fashion show led by two collaborating fashion clubs on campus – FITS (Fashion, Innovations, Styling, & Trends Club) & SFC (Sustainable Fashion Club).

As the creative designer of FITS, the scope of my responsibilities for the fashion show centered around:
• ideating the theme of our annual show
• visualising our ideas through a brand aesthetic that focuses on a texture and color morphosis shifting from metal to mold
• actualising
the symbiotic experience through engaging our target audience through expressive forms, dimensional marketing material, animated videowork, and an interactive web experience

Cal Poly Fashion, Innovation, Trendsetting, & Styling (FITS) Club &
Cal Poly Sustainable Fashion Club (SFC)

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, SquareSpace


This year’s show came into a beautiful fruition only through the hard work and collaborations of a wonderful group of students. To have worked hand in hand with such a supportive community of student artists was such a gifting experience! Check out our SS24 Fashion Show below:

Symbiosis FITS x SFC Fashion Show

We visualised our symbiote’s emergence beginning as a metallic, liquified form that is gradually overtaken by an infesting parasitic mold, wholly consuming the metal. I felt that using a shifting color palette, organic motifs, and a simple typeface would provide an archetypal cushion to the central element of our brand design— textures. Attaining the textures we ideated was a challenge, but through countless efforts and renders, I actualized our ideas into the illustrated motifs above.

Through the website design, I formed a layout that preserves our event aesthetic’s sleek and dimensional nature while also ensuring the site be an intuitive and easily navigable experience for our audiences. We achieved these visions through use of minimal colors balanced with an array of texture, movement, and organic shapes.


Above is an array of designs created for a few of the marketing channels we utilized to bring more traction and engagement to the show, including social media posts, banners for pre-show exhibits and gatherings, and poster/flyer prints.

As a result of our creative marketing efforts, we found that awareness of the show increased by 439% in comparison to the previous year’s show, our clubs’ profits from ticket prices exceeded our revenue goal by 306%, and demand grew 44%, with the show selling out in only 3 days.

Symbiosis FITS x SFC Fashion Show